State Rep. Jim Thomas | The Ohio House of Representatives
State Rep. Jim Thomas | The Ohio House of Representatives
Representative Jim Thomas of Jackson Township has expressed his support for Senate Bill 1, which aims to reform higher education in Ohio. The bill seeks to align the state's public universities with workforce needs while eliminating diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs.
The proposed legislation outlines several key changes. It aims to eliminate DEI programs to prevent institutional discrimination and indoctrination. It also focuses on protecting freedom of speech and promoting equality by ensuring that diverse opinions are respected at higher education institutions.
Representative Thomas stated, "I am pleased that this bill requires institutions to treat all students, faculty, and staff as individuals and provide no advantage or disadvantage based on race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression with regards to admissions, hiring, promotion, tenure, or workplace conditions."
Senate Bill 1 also proposes measures to ensure uninterrupted education by prohibiting faculty strikes or walkouts. It includes requirements for evaluating tenured faculty who do not meet performance expectations. Additionally, the bill emphasizes maintaining relevance with Ohio's workforce needs by discontinuing programs that produce fewer than five degrees over three years.
Furthermore, the legislation prioritizes civics and capitalism education for Ohio students and enforces restrictions against foreign influence from entities like the People's Republic of China.
The bill is now set to move forward to the Ohio Senate for a concurrence vote.